Removal Requests

Deleting Driver Accounts

  1. Launch the Operr Driver app: Locate and open the Operr app on your mobile device.
  2. Access the account settings: Tap on the menu icon (three horizontal lines) located in the top left corner of the app to access the main menu.
  3. Navigate to "Settings": Scroll down the menu and select the "Settings" option.
  4. Choose "Edit profile": Look for the option labeled "Edit profile" and tap on it to proceed.
  5. Locate "Delete Your Account": Tap on this option to initiate the process of deleting your account.
  6. Review account deletion details: Take a moment to carefully read through the information provided by Operr regarding the account deletion process and its consequences.
  7. Confirm your decision: If you still wish to delete your Operr account, tap on the confirmation button or link provided. You may need to enter your password for verification.
  8. Provide feedback (optional): Operr might offer you the opportunity to provide feedback on the reasons for deleting your account. This step is usually optional, but you can take the chance to share your reasons if you wish.
  9. Receive confirmation: After confirming the account deletion, Operr will display a message confirming that your account has been successfully deleted. You may also receive a confirmation email. It's important to note that deleting your Operr account will permanently remove all your trip history, payment information, and other data associated with your account. If you have any pending rides or unresolved issues, it is recommended to address them before deleting your account. If you encounter any difficulties during the process, feel free to contact Operr’s customer support for further assistance.

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